Using the XTion / Kinect on Raspberry Pi 3 pt. 1

Recently, I managed to use the Oculus Rift as a display for the Pi 3 together with listening to the gyros via OpenHMD. And I found another instruction to run the XTion RGBd camera on the Pi 3 as well. For the sake of simplicity I set up a new system first and then will “fuse” the two.

First prerequisite in Larry’s tutorial is to add decent swap space on the OS, his OS is Ubuntu, mine is Debian Jessie Pixel and that is done differently. So, on the default Raspberry OS, you change the size of the swapspace in the file /etc/dphys-swapfile where you change from 100MB to 2000MB here: CONF_SWAPSIZE=100. I love stackexchange for that… (after rebooting, the command free -h should show you 2.0 GB of swap space).

Under Raspbian Jessie Pixel, I was not able to install libvtk (sudo apt-get install libvtk5.10-qt4 libvtk5.10 libvtk5-dev). Mono, QT and JDK seem quite heavy (like one GB of space) and I don’t know whether I really need these, I hope not, since I really want to code in python and don’t intend to use QT. I installed them anyways, just to get as close as the recipe would let me ( sudo apt-get install mono-complete and sudo apt-get install qt-sdk openjdk-8-jdk openjdk-8-jre).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:v-launchpad-jochen-sprickerhof-de/pcl also didin’t work, you need to sudo apt-get install software-properties-common first (see stackexchange again), Then it starts to work, but finally I get “NoDistroTemplateException: Error could not find a distribution template for Raspbian/jessie”. Damn. For fun, I googled Jochen Sprickerhof and found his PCL site. As the URL says, it’s geared towards Ubuntu, so this might explain the error I got. When you google “installing PCL on raspian” you get a couple of descriptions how people did it. So I’ll stick to that should something go wrong…

So I skipped this launchpad part, just to  see how far I’ll get. My feeling was that I wasn’t apt-getting something afterwards (but actually git cloning), so maybe this has not an immediate effect, let’s see. git cloning of the PointCloudLib worked (after user and pwd for git).

Also I was able to run the cmake command and run make. The blog says, it will take about 7 hours to compile, so I go to bed now…

UPDATE: it worked! (sudo make install)

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